Saturday, September 4, 2010

Redneck Fishing Tournament

Leaping lizards . . . it's a school of leaping carp!  Spotted near Henry, Illinois.
In my last post, I dreamed that carp fishing could someday become a sport as economically significant as bass fishing, which calls for expensive gear and which supports competitive fishing derbies with big cash prizes.

I hadn't done enough research.  I have just learned that, since 2005--yes, 2005!--the town of Bath, Illinois, has hosted the Redneck Fishing Tournament, where the aim is to haul in as many flying carp as you can.  The event attracts 4,000 people to the tiny town of Bath, population 300.  It has already received major media attention.  (Where have I been?)

No tricky compound bows required for this tournament; anglers simply use nets.  One hand-held dip net per participant please.  Event organizers not responsible for broken noses and black eyes due to collisions with flying fish. Wet t-shirt contest to follow.

In three hours, 70 boats hauled in 1,800 fish.

Check it out!

Tournament website

CBS news report

Time magazine photoessay

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