Sunday, May 1, 2011

Liberty Ho!

We're approaching the Statue of Liberty.  If you've been following along on our trip this afternoon, please join us in celebrating!  Hit the "comment" button or send email to slowboatcruise@gmail.com

(And scroll down in the blog for more photos from today's cruise to New York!)

Yesterday: A bridge with 3 feet of clearance.  Today: The Verrazano Narrows Bridge, so large
you can't get your brain around the reality.
You've seen hundreds of films where the camera pans in over the NYC skyline . . . Our view is not in technicolor,
but so thrilling to be approaching in person (even if the approach is super slo-mo)


  1. Congratulations on your arrival to NY Harbor! I never tire of seeing the NYC skyline come into view, whether I'm arriving by car, plane, or train. (So far have not seen it from a boat, at least not within memory!)

  2. CONGRATS! Wish I could be there with you.
